Current State of Software

Emblem Vault has been being worked on for some time. We have had few updates outside of our Matrix chat channel. This update aims to include quite a bit of content, we are trying something a little different at the end of a few announcements. I have compiled a list of questions and the provided answers from our community. I hope you enjoy the Q&A as much as we have enjoyed engaging with these great questions.

We have designed an alpha implementation of Emblem Vault for the purpose of proving out the viability of our described features. This client can be seen here:

Noteworthy : please be sure to export your backup any time you create a new vault. During this alpha phase, we are including everything needed to reassemble your private keys for each vault. In the future these details will not be present, this will be to ensure that if a user creates an emblem and later sends it to someone else, the original creator can’t later reassemble the keys themselves and steal the contents of the vault they sent elsewhere. Also during alpha, the ledger may be restarted from scratch. It’s advised to not store anything of value yet.

Creation, Sending and Claiming is currently supported (for now, just 3 sends are allowed) We will be adding file support shortly.

Cryptolina Conference

As many of you know I, spoke about Emblem Vault at the 2018 Cryptolina conference. After some technical issues, my talk was cut from 20 minutes to about 11 minutes. It was well received anyway. At the conference we handed out limited edition prototypes of our NFC wallet with custom prints and serial numbers. At present there is only the ability to view the contents of the card. A future update will provide the ability to import the card into the Emblem Vault wallet thereby granting the right to claim the contents of the Vault or trade the contents with others.

The talk can be seen here:


Patrick, one of our long time community leaders, organized a collection of over 500k Coval for promoting Emblem Vault when the time is right. As a thank you to everyone who participated, everyone who contributed will receive one of the remaining Emblem Vault NFC cards that were handmade for the Cryptolina event.

Enterprise Development

fiNEST: Emblem Vault has signed our first official Enterprise partner, fiNEST

Emblem Vault technology will be used throughout their application. As an enterprise customer they will have the ability to choose whether they participate in the public emblem network or not. They will accept $Coval within their platform. Enterprise customers will have the ability to request special features in their implementation. One such feature will be the addition of conditional refunds of donations under certain conditions.

UNspecified: has been chosen as our o fficial Integration Partner. This means that all enterprise integrations that need assistance utilizing Emblem Vault will be able to contract with UNspecifed for this work.


These are a few of the projects that we are going to officially support, many of which will be providing custom art or unique digital assets for promotional purposes.

A glimpse of the future

In preparation for a new hardware offering by Emblem, I want to introduce (Coval.Fs) Encrypted USB storage for Emblem Vault. We are developing (and have a prototype of working) software which will enable users to store an encrypted file on a USB device. This encrypted file, when opened by the Emblem Vault Wallet software will mount a virtual drive on the user’s machine, which decrypts the file stored on the USB drive. This decrypted version will then be readable by the wallet software. I can get into the specifics in a future post. But for now, a sneak preview:

Encrypted storage on USB Device

Unlocked file, Decrypted Mounted drive.


Emblem Vault

Questions and Answers

Community     @Sull     @Shannon

Can Emblem contain fractional values, like .04 BTC or 2.245 ETH. In the case of the fundraising emblem, one should expect people to give whatever amount they can or should they be told “no decimals”?

Emblem can be simply $100 in bitcoin passed around repeatedly or a bundle of collectibles, or software code, gift card.... whatever. If value is agreed upon (subjective or real) then it can be used for payment and exchange. You could have $100 in bitcoin and sell it for $5 if you so wished

Fractional values are supported just like any other wallet addresses.

A lot of the confusion stems from the fact that people envision the Emblem app as only an emblem creating machine and not also a personal wallet from which funds are taken to fund emblems and pay directly as well. At least this is the way it should be for best acceptance. Then, a merchant sends me an address from within an emblem to pay for services. I should be able to pay directly to this address from my personal wallet without the need to create an emblem. That would open the door to a variety of payment options. There are times a direct payment option is needed. Other times it would make more sense with an emblem.

Perhaps the devs can say if this model is wrong or not

Yes that use case is inherent.

An Emblem could even contain a mini-site that can be used as a storefront and accept payments for products/services. It’s a feasible use-case. The files/assets in an emblem could be for an app/page rather than or in addition to tokens and voucher codes etc… Imagine getting some loyalty reward points combined with an app that lets you use them?

Would it also be tech possible (future thinking) for aggregating the content of emblems ? Sort of the reversal of a split. E.g. One has received 100 donations/gifts each in a separate emblem. Could he do something like claim & unwrap all their contents into one new emblem ? Automatic split + aggregation of emblem contents would close the buyer / seller loop imo

That would be possible

When you said before about other Crypto partnerships - what do you mean exactly - how is the commercial Emblem different to the Public one ?

  • is it about listings on the public one (which I thought was automatic) how is the commercial one different.

Commercial will have advanced features, specifically the ability to request features for their needs. And possibly their own side chain. But... remain compatible with emblem main public chain

Got a question as well. I understood the part where assets can be wrapped in a new emblem and passed/swapped around, and this is huge since it will be blockchain transparent. But, will the emblem ecosystem be capable of sending (part of) the assets between already existing emblems ? This would be a use case for a payment system implementation, where the store has his own emblem and you pay by sending parts of your emblem to him.

no I believe once you open(claim) the emblem it ceases to exist, You need to recreate a new emblem from the parts received, though you could have 20 emblems each which a set number of currencies or individuals that you can keep unclaimed and use for transactions.

You are both right. To begin, you won’t be able to spend from an emblem without claiming it. But... in the future... the ability to transfer a portion of an emblem might be created that will actually turn one emblem into 2 new emblems, splitting the contents between you and a recipient…

Can the emblem tech really be called a "cryptocurrency" if the work happens off chain? Is emblem really just a technology and coval is the cryptocurrency? And if emblem is doing the heavy lifting, do we risk crypto community backlash?

In the terms of cryptocurrency. Each emblem is an NFT or non fungible token (unique token) The emblem token is used as part of the verification, and the emblem transactions happen on a blockchain

I like that you can easily perform many to many atomic swap without going through escrow and what not.

How does an emblem remove the need for an escrow? If you send me an emblem, what’s to stop me sending Not you whatever you want for it?  

if you send me an emblem , I can see its contents or that which you want me to see. If you need BTC in exchange the most secure way to protect my asset is to load an emblem with the requested amount of BTC or whatever and send it to you.

Where your question becomes relevant is about who gives the claiming token to whom first? If you give it first, and the other party is dishonest and claims your emblem, what prevents him or her from not respecting the deal?

Would there be a smart contract created as part of the exchange?

Since the devs have not told us everything about Emblem I am pretty sure they have been aware of that issue and have devised an appropriate mechanism (smart contract-like for key exchanges?)

The beautiful thing is that no one gives first.... either person makes a trade request and signs it. The other signs also. 1 transaction, 2 signatures, once the tx is sent to ledger.... the swap transaction is the magic!

So there is not much need for an exchange with the Law ledger, except for the listing?


Is there a time window from the moment the trade request is sent for the transaction to be completed? How do we prevent fraud, i.e, the other party making a last minute change to his/her emblem before signing the transaction?

You can only send things to an emblem   so the risk is that someone adds more?

That closes the loop! Thanks.

Could you explain more about how this works please?

Let’s say I have 10 ETH in my personal wallet I want to send to someone. I have 100 total. What do you mean by it never moves? Does 100 ETH remain in my ETH address? What stops me spending the ETH I have sent within an emblem?

You start with 100 eth in metamask for example. You send 10 to your emblem deposit address, but 90 stay in metamask. The 10 you sent to your Emblem Vault are now portable on emblem.

Ethereum only knows that you sent 10 eth to an address, it doesn’t know that address is an emblem and no one has the private keys for that emblem yet.

As you send the emblem vault around emblem network.... you are sending the right to obtain the keys for that vault…

So even if an emblem is sent to 15 people on emblem network, ethereum network only ever sees 10 eth transferred into an emblem address once.

Thank you Shannon, the original impression I had was that no ETH is moved, therefore I had the question of you can assign a new key to a wallet that has existing ETH in it. This makes it clear, as you stated you do have to move the 10 ETH to an address. It’s the movement AFTERWARDS that doesn’t matter as you are basically trading keys rather than sending ETH.

  • you can be sent an Emblem and not claim it, view it in the Trophy case, and resend it if you wish . Have I got this correct?


When you “claim” an emblem, you destroy its ability to transfer around the emblem network. Claiming is.... like.... scratching a gift card or breaking some seal, it says “hey someone has claimed these keys”

Will there be a personal wallet where all imported/claimed cryptos are kept ?

Wallet controls for all those coins is tough. To start, will probably have things like the “Export WIF” button so you can extract your coins using a wallet of your choice.  Yes! I’m working on a usb option for emblem

when we do something that requires coval as fees. even if the operation is immediate how can the transfer of fees be immediate? or we just broadcast the transaction to the network without relying on any confirmation?

COVAL (XCP) is not used in real-time. you use/spend Coval to get access and receive “credits” in the Emblem network.

Will most cryptos be available from the onset ?

Undecided. Some will be strategic partners so guaranteed support, still thinking about the rest.

Can someone help me understand the emblem use case better please? With COVAL association? Do I have this correct: I create an emblem, assign crypto to it. Once sent to another person it can only be opened by that person?

What difference is this to just sending the person specific crypto?

You can send the other person lots of cryptocurrency of different types

And without fees on the specific crypto chains. See, as far as the native crypto chains know, the cryptocurrency doesn’t move after it’s been deposited into the emblem address. So no native fees.

Simplest way to put it is it’s like OpenDime but without hardware requirement and instead uses software/ledger/network

Or a next-generation 1password (popular password manager product) even

Since Emblem can technically handle any digital asset, new coins shouldn't be an issue. In simple terms I imagine emblem like a traditional folder in which one can copy a file with a new extension without issues. But, I have limited know how regarding blockchain related tech so my assumption it's just wishful thinking.

Here is an example of what’s needed to add a coin